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Eleonora Sava
The Ethnological Archive
Paradigms and Dialogues
Settori disciplinari:

Isbn: 9788860744432
Collana: Saggi di etnologia, antropologia, tradizioni popolari

This volume is the result of research supported by the National Research Council (CNCS) Romania, which financed the project Reperspectivarea documentului etnofolcloric (New Perspectives on Ethno-Folkloric Documents), carried out between 2009 and 2011. The research topic is the Archive of the Folklore Society from the Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. The contributors to this volume propose a reflexive reading of the archival fund – a lieu de mémoire, in Pierre Nora’s terms (Nora, 1984; Nora, 1989). The Cluj Archive of the Folklore Society functioned between 1958 and 1993, a period that overlapped with communism, spanning also the first years after the fall of this political regime. Its documentary fund comprises field notes that reveal a selection of the research themes proposed by ethnologists at a national level. Its main achievements are: the systematic research of the Romanian folklore, the archival preservation of the field notes and the students’ initiation in fieldwork.


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