Volume aggiunto al carrello!
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Rita Vincenti
Finite fields, projective geometries and related topics

Isbn: 9788893922593
Pagine: 106
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021
Collana: Manuali e studi di matematica

During the second semester of 2020, we had to teach remotely online, be-cause of Covid-19. To simplify life for both my students and myself, I manually drafted notes in Italian, so that one day before the lesson they could receive a file on which to follow my explanations. For this year I decided to organize those drafts in English in order to be printed and here they are. The program consists of a short algebraic part and a part dedicated to finite geometric structures.

Informazioni sull'autore
Rita Vincenti - Professore Associato di Geometria - https://ritavincenti.it/maths/


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