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Contiente materiali di ascolto, dettati, esercizio interattivi, materiali di approfondimento.
Liam Boyle
The Business
Authentic Commercial English
Settori disciplinari:

Isbn: 9788860741271
Collana: Authentic English

The Business is a content-based language course for students of economics and marketing. The book is divided thematically by argument, from market research and branding to pricing strategy and sales. For each topic there are introductory vocabulary exercises, using authentic business English, followed by a case study.Current debates relating to international commerce are dealt with through the use of authentic texts, which cover such up to date issues as the future of Italian luxury brands, and the award winning marketing techniques used by companies such as Magners and Apple.The objective is to involve the student with intrinsically motivating real life materials. The articles featured in this book are not simplified versions adapted for language students – they are the original texts, the same articles that are being read by students and business people in the English-speaking world.These case studies are exploited with task-based learning exercises to help the student develop sound reading strategies. Each article is accompanied by a series of pre-reading exercises, from basic comprehension questions to more involved analysis. This task-based approach gives the student a real reason for reading.The Business combines this study of the language of commerce with a systematic revision of the essentials of English grammar. This book also deals with business correspondence, while the language of telephone English is featured in depth on the accompanying CD-Rom, which also includes supplementary reading materials and vocabulary exercises.

Informazioni sull'autore
Liam Francis Boyle teaches English at the University of Perugia. He was born in Dublin and has lived and worked in Italy since 1997. His principle areas of linguistic expertise are in teaching methodology, syllabus development and language acquisition. He is co-author, with Jodi Sandford, of Mixed Messages, English for Communication Studies, also published by Morlacchi Editore (2006).


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